Buddha Gītā
One thousand two hundred years old Varaha Temple in Māmallapuram near Chennai (Madras) is a Pallava temple and has an inscription which reads matsya kūrma varāha nṛsimha vāmana rāma rāma rāma buddha kalki daśāsmṛtāḥ
Three rāmas are parśu rāma, kodaṇda rāma and bala rāma. Buddha was and is worshiped as Lord Viṣṇu's avatār.
Śrī Kṛṣṇa's teachings is Bhagavad Gītā which is in Saṁskṛit language. Lord Buddha's teachings is Dhammapada which is in Prākṛt language. Prākṛt language was the commonly spoken language.
One will be enlightned by reading these two Grantas, texts. Teachings of our Gurus are one and the same which is Samdarśan, Vision of Equality
The Bhagavad Gītā says,
६.५. उद्धरेद् आत्मना अत्मानं न अत्मानम् अवसादयेत् ।
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुर् आत्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ॥
uddhared ātmanā 'tmānaṁ
nā 'tmānam avasādayet .
ātmai 'va hy ātmano bandhur
ātmai 'va ripur ātmanaḥ .. — bg.6.5.
6.5 Let a man lift himself by himself; let him not degrade himself; for the Self alone is the friend of the self and the Self alone is the enemy of the self.
Cp. Dhammapada: "The Self is the lord of the self;", "the Self is the goal of the self."
६.६. बन्दुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य येनातमैवा आत्मना जितः ।
आत्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ॥
bandhur ātmā 'tmanas tasya
yenā 'tmai 'vā 'tmanā jitaḥ .
anātmanas tu śatrutve vartetā
'tmai 'va śatruvat .. — bg.6.6.
6.6 For him who has conquered his (lower) self by the (higher) Self his Self is a friend but for him who has not possessed his (higher) Self, his very Self will act in enmity like an enemy.
The Dhammapada in Bikkhuvaggo says,
अत्तनाचोदयत्तानं पटिमासे अत्तम् अत्तना ।
सो अत्तगुत्तो सतिमा सुखम् भिक्खु विहाहिसि ॥ — २५.२०.
attanā coday' attānaṁ
paṭimāse attam attanā .
so attagutto satimā
sukham bhikkhu vihāhisi .. — dp.25.20.
25.20. Rouse your self by your self, examine your self by your self. Thus guarded by your self and attentive you, mendicant, will live happy. (379)
अत्ताहि अत्तनो नाथो अत्ताहि अत्तनो गति ।
तस्मा सज्ञ्ज्ञत्तानम् अस्सम् भद्रमं वा वाणिजो ॥ — २५.२१
attā hi attano nātho
atta hi attano gati .
tasmā saññamay' attānam
assam bhadraṁ va vāṇijo .. — dp.25.21
25.21. For self is the lord of self; self is the refuge of self; therefore curb yourself even as a merchant curbs a fine horse. (380)
Buddha in Attavaggo, Chapter 12.4 says,
अत्ताहि अत्तनो नाथो को हि नाथो परो सिय? ।
अत्तना हि सुदन्तेन नाथम् लभति दुल्लभम् ॥ — १२.४
attā hi attano nātho
ko hi nātho paro siya? .
attanā hi sudantena nātham
labhati dullabham .. — dp.12.4
12.4. The self is the lord of self; who else could be the lord? With self well subdued a man finds a lord who is difficult to obtain. (160)
In another verse in Daṇḍavaggo, Chapter 10.1, Lord Buddha says one should liken others to oneself.
सब्बे तसन्ति दण्डस्स साब्बे भायन्ति मच्चुनो ।
अत्तानम् उपमं कत्वा न हनेय्य न घातये ॥ — १०.१
sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa
sabbe bhāyanti maccuno .
attānam upamaṁ katvā
na haneyya na ghātay'e .. — dp.10.1
10.1. All men tremble at punishment, all men fear death. Likening others to oneself, one should neither slay nor cause to slay. (129)
attānam upamaṁ katvā: do as you would be done by.
One should liken others to oneself is the teaching of Śrī Kṛṣṇa also. There is an absolute joy in these verses.
आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति यो अर्जुन ।
सुखम् वा यदि वा दुःखं स योगि परमो मतः ॥ — ६.३२
ātmaupamyena sarvatra
samaṁ paśyati yo 'rjuna .
sukham vā yadi vā duḥkhaṁ
sa yogi paramo mataḥ .. — bg.6.32
6.32. He, O Arjuna, who sees with equality everything, in the image of his own self, whether in pleasure or in pain, he is considered a perfect yogi.
Lord Buddha in Dhammapad says,
अभिवादनसीलस्स निच्चम् वद्धापचायिनो ।
चत्तारो धम्मा वद्धनति , आयु , वण्णो , सुखम् , बलम् ॥ — ८.१०
abhivādanasīlissa niccam
vaddhāpacāyino .
cattāro dhammā vaddhanti,
āyu, vaṇṇo, sukham, balam .. — dp.8.10
Manu ii.121 says (which appears a Saṁskṛit version of the above verse)
अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपसेविनः ।
चत्वारि संप्रवर्धनते आयुर् , विद्या , यशो , बलम् ॥
abhivādanaśīlasya nityaṁ
vṛddhopasevinaḥ .
catvāiri sampravardhante
āyur vidyā yaśo balam ..
The Dhammapadam says,
पापो पि पस्सति भद्रं याव पापं न पाच्चति ।
यदा च पच्चति पाम् (अथ) पापो पापानि पस्सति ॥ — ९.४
pāpo pi passati bhadraṁ
yāva pāpaṁ na paccati .
yadā ca paccati pāpam
(atha) pāpo pāpāni passati .. — dp.9.4
9.4. Even an evil-doer sees happiness so long as his evil deed does not ripen; but when the evil deed has ripened, then does the evil-doer see evil. (119)
भद्रोपि पस्सति पापं याव भद्रं न पच्चति ।
यदा चा पच्चति भद्रं (अथ) भद्रो भद्रानि पस्सति ॥ — ९.५
bhadropi passati pāpaṁ
yāva bhadraṁ na paccati .
yadā ca paccati bhadraṁ
(atha) bhadro bhadrāni passati .. — dp.9.5
9.5. Even a good man sees evil as long as his good deed does not ripen; but when his good deed ripens, then the good man sees the good (in store for him). (120)
The Bhagavad Gītā highlights the same, in Saṁskṛit
यत्तदगरे विषमिव परिणामे अमृतोपमम् ।
तत् सुखं सात्विकं परोक्तम् आत्म बुद्धि प्रसादजम् ॥ — १८.३७
yat tad agre viṣam iva
pariṇāme 'mṛtopamam .
tat sukhaṁ sāttvikaṁ proktam
ātma buddhi prasādajam .. — bg.18.37
18.37. That happiness which is like poison at first and like nectar at the end, which springs from a clear understanding of the Self is said to be of the nature of "goodness."
विषयेन्दरिय संयोगाद् यत्तदगरे अमृतोपमम् ।
परिणामे विषमिव तत् सुखं राजसं समृतम् ॥ — १८.३८
viṣayendriya saṁyogād
yat tad agre 'mṛtopamam .
pariṇāme viṣam iva
tat sukhaṁ rājasaṁ smṛtam .. — bg.18.38
18.38. That happiness which arises from the contact of the senses and their objects and which is like nectar at first but like poison at the end—such happiness is recorded to be "passionate."
Reference: English Commentary by Śrī. Sarvapaḷḷi. Radhakrishnan, from The Dhammapada, Oxford University Press. The Bhagavadgītā, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1948, 1949