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Mohan Nagaswamy is my brilliant son working as computer Software Engineer at, Miami, USA, for the past twenty years. He has been assisting me in my research by collecting and helping me in ancient Indian lore in Sanskrit and Tamil, especially from Upaniṣads and Tamil literature. He has also been maintaining my Internet Website TamilArts Academy and editing my electronic journal Tamil arts for the past 15 years. 32 issues have come out so far. In the process he himself mastered Indian Philosophy and had brought out this extraordinary anthology Sama-darśanam which is the very essence Indian ethos. He has been cherishing these thoughts which he presents is India's singular Mantra namely Samadarśana. India stood for multiplicity of faiths and paths and never asserted "mine alone is the only way of salvation" and I need to convert all to that process. That is an imported idea. Similarly the secularism is an imported concept, which has been degraded by a selfish group which suppress everything Indian and surrender to imported authority. Read these pages of Indian thought for the past 4000 years and more. In one voice they declare equality of life and thought. The Upaniṣads, Bhāgavatam, Śrīmad Bhagavat Gītā, great sages like Yajnavalkhya, Maitreyi, Buddha, Jina, Śaiva, Vaiṣṇava and Śākta faiths, the regional thinkers like Tiruvaḷḷuvar, Bharathi and all other masters have declared Samadarśana as the ultimate path of humanity. This message can be seen and compared. Mohan is an admirer of Svāmi Vivekananda and Sir.S.Radhakrishnan. He has made an admirable collection in this book. This needs to be known and told to our children and releive them from imported concepts. This is a small step in that direction but a definite step. I wish he collects more such thoughts and brings out a bigger volume in the future. Dr. R. Nagaswamy, Former Director of Archaeology, Tamilnad and Former Vice Chancellor Śrī Chandraśekarendra Viśva Mahāvidyālaya Enathur, Kanchipuram

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