kāyena vācā
Sandhyā Vandhanam, welcoming of Twilight (before Sunrise), Mid-Day and Twilight (before Sunset) is performed by Brāhmin, Kṣatriya and Vaiśya. There is a prayer recited as part of the Sandhyā Vandhana:
कायेन वाचा मनसा इन्द्रियैर्वा
बुद्धयात्मना वा पृहृतेः सवभावात्
करोमि यद् यद् सकलम्
परस्मै श्रीमन् नारायणायेति
kāyena vācā manasā indriyair vā
buddhyātmanā vā pṛahṛteḥ svabhāvāt
karomi yad yad sakalam
parsmai śrīman nārāyanāyeti
I offer whatever I do with this body, mind, parts of the body (eyes, ears, nose...), intelect (jñānendriya), by nature to the supreme. This prayer which is in Sanskrit is repeated 3 times everyday. By reciting these verses one purifies his mind and thought ensuring everything done is pure and for the good of the society.
Lord Buddha emphasizes the same in his Dhammapada. The verses are in Prākṛt which was commonly spoken language, hence the core principles could be understood by one and all.
१. चक्खुना संवरो साधु , साधु सोतेन संवरो
घाणेन संवरो साधु , साधु जिव्हाय संवरो
1. cakkhunā saṁvaro sādhu,
sādhu sotena saṁvaro
ghāṇena saṁvaro sādhu,
sādhu jivhāya saṁvaro
1. Restraint in the eye is good; good is restraint in the ear; in the nose restraint is good; good is restraint in the tongue. (360)
२. कायेन संवरो साधु , साधु वाचाय संवरो
मनसा संवरो साधु , साधु सब्बत्थ संवरो
सब्बत्थ संवुत्तो भिक्खु सब्बदुक्खा पमुच्चति
2. kāyena saṁvaro sādhu,
sādhu vācāya saṁvaro
manasā saṁvaro sādhu,
sādhu sabbattha saṁvaro
sabbatha saṁvuto bhikkhu
sabbadukkhā pamuccati
2. In the body restraint is good, good is restraint in speech; in thought restraint is good, good is restraint in all things. A mendicant who is restrained in all things is freed from all sorrow. (361)
By knowing the core principles both in Sanskrit and Prākṛt we enjoy our heritage and culture.
English Commentary by Śrī. Sarvapaḷḷi. Radhakrishnan, from The Dhammapada, Oxford University Press.
cakṣu, śrotra, sarva in Sanskrit are cakku, sota, sabba in Prākṛt.
om namo nārāyaṇāya; buddham śaraṇam gaccāmi
1,200 years old Pallava inscriptions in Māmallapuram near Madras mentions Daśāvatāra:
मत्सय कूर्म वराह नारसिंह वामन
राम राम राम बुद्ध कल्कि दसास्मृताः
matsya kūrma varāha
nārasimha vāmana
rāma (paraśu rāma) rāma (kodaṇda rāma)
rāma (bala rāma)
buddha kalki daśasmṛtāḥ
पूर्णमिद पूर्णमद पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेव अवसिष्यते
pūrṇam ida pūrṇam ada
pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya
pūrṇam eva avasiṣyate