The Supreme Exists Within Oneself
Chāndogya Upaniṣad 3.13
अथ यद् अतः पारो दिवो ज्योतिर् दीप्यते
विश्वातः पृष्ठेषु , सर्वतः पृष्ठेष्वनुततामेषु
उत्तमेषु लोकेषु , इदं वाव तद्यदिम्
अस्मिन् अन्त पुरुषे ज्योतिः —- ७
atha yad ataḥ paro divo jyotir dīpyate
viśvataḥ pṛṣṭheṣu, sarvataḥ pṛṣṭheṣv
anuttameṣūttameṣu lokeṣu,
idaṁ vāva tad yad idam
asminn antaḥ puruṣe jyotiḥ — 7
7. Now the light which shines above this heaven, above all, above everything, in the highest worlds beyond which there are no higher, verily, that is the same as this light which is here within the person.
तस्यैषा दृष्टिर् यत्रिताद् असमिन् सरीरे
सांस्परशेनोष्निमानम् विजानाति , तस्यैषा श्रुतिर्
यत्रैतत् कर्णाव् अपिगृह्य निनदम् इव नदथुर इवागनेर् इव
ज्वलत उपशृणोति तद् एतद् दृष्टं च श्रुतं चेत्य् उपासीतः
चक्षुष्यः श्रुतो भवति य एवं वेद य एवं वेद — ८
tasyaiṣā dṛṣṭir yatritad asmiñ śarīre
saṁsparśenoṣnimānam vijānāti,
tasyaiṣā śrutir yatraitat karṇāv apigṛhya
ninadam iva nadathur ivāgner iva
jvalata upaśṛṇoti tad etad dṛṣṭaṁ ca śrutaṁ
cety upāsīta: cakṣuṣyaḥ
śruto bhavati ya evaṁ veda ya evaṁ veda — 8
8. There is this seeing of it, as when, in this body, one perceives the warmth by touch. There is this hearing of it, as when, on closing the ears, one hears as it were a sound as it were a noise, as of a fire blazing. One should meditate on this that has been seen and heard. One who knows this becomes one beautiful to see and heard of in renown, yea, one who knows this.
The writer here refers to visions and voices of which some seers speak.
Source:- The Principle Upaniṣads by S. Radhakrishnan, HarperCollins Publishers India, 2004; First Published in 1953 by George & Unwin Ltd